Tim Mishutin, Developer in Rotterdam, Netherlands
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Tim Mishutin

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Rotterdam, Netherlands
Toptal Member Since
August 24, 2021

Tim是一个非常积极和雄心勃勃的技术领导者,在web全栈开发方面有着强大的背景. He loves to translate business to tech, solve complicated problems, lead teams, help people grow, write scalable code, 创造一些人们喜欢使用的东西,让他们的生活更轻松. Tim在DevOps、产品和人员管理以及业务方面有很强的背景.


Laravel, Vue,亚马逊网络服务(AWS), PHP, JavaScript,后端,REST api...
Mors IT Enterprise
PHP, WordPress,高负载,NGINX,负载平衡,缓存,WooCommerce...
Joomla, PHP, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML, CSS,敏捷,Scrum, IT项目管理...




Preferred Environment

MacOS, Linux, PhpStorm, Visual Studio, GitLab, Slack, Skype

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Chief Technology Officer

2018 - PRESENT
  • 开发了一个带有自动化测试和CI/CD管道的RESTful API.
  • 带领团队开发前端和移动应用.
  • Moved system to AWS and implemented dynamically scaling.
  • Implemented real-time architecture based on Socket.IO and Laravel Echo server.
Technologies: Laravel, Vue,亚马逊网络服务(AWS), PHP, JavaScript,后端,REST api, Sockets, Socket.IO, People Management, IT Project Management, CTO, MySQL, CI/CD Pipelines, TypeScript, Zapier, Algorithms, Automation, SQL Injection Protection, Puppeteer

Freelance Senior Full-stack Developer

2018 - 2019
Mors IT Enterprise
  • 开发了一个WooCommerce网站商店,其中包含许多自定义模块、集成和报告.
  • 参与的项目很快成为一个高负载的网店, which resulted in slow WordPress responses. Implemented Nginx caching on front end, added PHP-FPM clusters to load balance PHP requests, created a MySQL cluster with multiply read nodes.
  • 基于WooCommerce功能为移动应用实现了带有承载令牌认证的REST API.
  • 在现有的基于Laravel的自定义CRM中实现自定义统计模块.
  • Created WooCommerce integrations with payment providers, drop shipping, CRM, and stock management systems.
Technologies: PHP, WordPress,高负载,NGINX,负载平衡,缓存,WooCommerce, REST APIs, Magento, Front-end, CSS, JavaScript, CI/CD Pipelines, eCommerce, Laravel, Redis, WooCommerce API, XML Parsing, Document Parsing, Laravel Forge, Stripe API, TypeScript, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Algorithms, Automation, SQL Injection Protection

Product Owner | Senior PHP Developer

2017 - 2018
  • Worked on a high-load marketing website based on popular CMS.
  • 将两个市场部门的两个代码库合并到一个代码库中.
  • 担任产品负责人,负责sprint回顾和为利益相关者做演示.
  • 管理与云提供商和外部外包的联系,并确保服务器架构和代码的所有技术方面都正确对齐.
  • Led platform migration project to a new PHP version.
  • 基于GhostInspector的规模化自动化测试,确保网站的稳定性和可用性.
Technologies: Joomla, PHP, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML, CSS,敏捷,Scrum, IT项目管理, People Management, Front-end, Back-end, Algorithms, Automation


2012 - 2018
  • 成立securehost,迅速成为流行的预算网络托管解决方案.
  • 在基于ISPconfig的web托管面板上工作,并进行了大量自定义修改,以确保共享托管环境的稳定性和安全性.
  • 2018年,该公司在30个国家拥有700多家客户.
  • 将高负载项目迁移到具有故障转移或负载平衡架构的新托管服务器.
  • 发现关键的ISPconfig安全问题并提出解决方案.
  • Custom-implemented Let's Encrypt in ISPconfig, included updating SSL before expiration, re-generated Nginx and Apache configs.
  • 为WHMCS创建了一个自定义模块,用于直接通过ING银行连接处理iDeal支付.
  • 在ISPconfig中构建一个模块来控制客户端对服务器CPU、RAM、SQL和IOPS的负载. Implemented thresholds per client with a connection to WHMCS, re-checks, and graphs, notifications, and auto suspension of the web hosting package.
  • 实现了一个基于Laravel的自定义监控统计系统.
Technologies: PHP, NGINX, Apache, MySQL, Redis, High-load, WHMCS, ISPConfig, Debian, CentOS, DirectAdmin, cPanel, Proxmox, Load Balancers, Failover Solutions, WordPress, Web Security, Laravel, Zabbix, JavaScript, CI/CD Pipelines, API Integration, DNS, Front-end, CSS, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), XML Parsing, Document Parsing, Algorithms, Automation, SQL Injection Protection

Senior Full-stack Developer | Team Lead

2013 - 2017
  • 开发了一个创新的呼叫中心软件,包括电话, mail, chat, social media, and much more modules.
  • 使用HTTP长轮询技术开发实时REST聊天应用程序,并基于路由策略和技能集动态路由到可用代理.
  • Created a mail module and allows call center agents to answer customer emails from the system; emails were routed based on routing strategy and agent skill set.
  • Set up a new team of developers in the United States. 从300多份简历中选出最优秀的候选人,面试了20多名候选人.
  • 创建了一个深度集成与社会媒体监控系统. 模块根据路由策略和技能集将社交媒体帖子路由到可用的代理.
  • Implemented Sphinx for deep-text search through the system.
  • 使用复杂的MySQL查询创建了具有关键业务kpi的实时报告屏幕.
Technologies: PHP, Zend Framework, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, Linux, Asterisk, MySQL, Amazon Web Services (AWS), High-load, Ansible, OOP Designs, Git, SQL, Load Balancers, REST APIs, XML Parsing, Algorithms, Automation

Transfer Website

开发了一个软件即服务,允许人们将网站从一台服务器转移到另一台服务器, change domain names, and make backups without routing work.

客户端可以填写加密存储的SFTP凭据, and the system will move all files; they can also export and import the database on any web hosting provider, 在非常低限制的廉价主机上使用100GB数据库进行测试, 并替换所有需要的配置参数,如数据库凭据, paths, and domain names, resulting in fully automated, fast, and secure websites migrations. The system handles WordPress serializations, Magento caching, and other CMS-related cases automatically.

Custom Monitoring System

A personal project used for a web hosting company.

我基于Laravel, Bootstrap和Google Charts开发了自定义服务器监控. 该系统跟踪了许多关键的服务器参数,如HTTP和FTP以及其他网络流量, CPU, RAM, disk usage, SMTP, POP, and IMAP services, DNS, Nginx connections, and MySQL load. In addition, 我基于可配置的阈值和具有原始异常检测的图形可视化实现了SMS Clickatell和电子邮件通知.

De of Het Expert

一个轻量级的网站,可以让人们快速查看荷兰语单词的文章. 它使用后台解析器从数十个不同的来源收集单词,并插入或更新数据库中找到的单词.
2013 - 2018

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Programming

University Rotterdam - Rotterdam


jQuery, REST API, WooCommerce API, Stripe, Stripe API, Puppeteer, Vue, Doctrine, Sockets, Socket.IO, Pusher, Google Chart API, React


NGINX, Git, Zapier, PhpStorm, Apache, Shell, Trello, AWS ELB, Visual Studio, GitLab, Slack, Skype, Postfix, Nagios, Zabbix, Ansible, Jira, Asterisk, ISPConfig


Laravel, PHP MVC, PHPUnit, Symfony, CodeIgniter, Zend Framework, Bootstrap, Realtime


PHP, SQL, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, TypeScript, Java, Bash, Python


DevOps, Web Design Patterns, Web Architecture, Automation, Agile, Automated Testing, Test Automation, Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Deployment, Continuous Delivery (CD), Kanban, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Scrum, Test-driven Development (TDD), Unit Testing


MacOS, Linux, WordPress, LAMP, LEMP, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon EC2, Debian, WooCommerce, Magento, MODx, New Relic, Joomla, WHMCS, CentOS, cPanel, Proxmox


SQL Injection Protection, JSON, XML Parsing, Databases, MySQL, Redis, MariaDB, Sphinx Search Engine, Elasticsearch


Web Hosting, High-load, XSS Protection, Full-stack, API Integration, Back-end, Engineering, APIs, Web App UX, Web Development, Web Security, Data Scraping, Web Scraping, Document Parsing, Algorithms, IT Project Management, CI/CD Pipelines, OOP Designs, Failover Solutions, Load Balancers, Business to Business (B2B), DNS, Ajax, Organic SEO, Cordova, People Management, eCommerce, Caching, Intercom, Front-end, Front-end Development, Architecture, Leadership, CTO, Technical Leadership, Laravel Forge, Mobile Apps, Cloudflare, DirectAdmin, Parsers, Hardware

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