Munira is available for hire
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Munira Begmuratova

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Tashkent, Tashkent Province, Uzbekistan
Toptal Member Since
October 27, 2021

Munira是一名自我激励的全栈工程师,他的好奇心很强,对了解事物的底层工作原理很感兴趣. 她对设计充满热情,在一家多媒体工作室工作了几年. As a math enthusiast, she's competed in math olympiads in the past. 2017年,她决定通过在个人创业项目中构建跨平台移动应用程序,将职业从金融转向IT. 穆尼拉正在寻找能够让她使用最新技术的项目.


Toptal Client
JavaScript, React, Node.js, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Express.js, MongoDB...
EPAM Systems
JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, Hapi.js, NestJS, MongoDB, Mongoose, TypeScript...
The Rolling Scopes School
JavaScript, Node.js, CSS, React, HTML, GitHub, APIs, Management, ES5, Jasmine...




Preferred Environment

Git, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), MacOS, Slack, Postman, Docker, Jira, Teams

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Senior Full-stack Engineer

2021 - PRESENT
Toptal Client
  • 编写迁移脚本,使数据库集合与不断变化的业务需求中的新字段保持同步.
  • 根据前端和后端更新的业务需求重写一个重要组件.
  • 为更有效和高效的代码审查过程提出了新的想法.
  • 使用干净的代码实践重构部分代码库,试图减少技术债务.
  • 为卡片目录实现无限滚动,使加载速度提高400%.
Technologies: JavaScript, React, Node.js, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Express.js, MongoDB, Redux

Back-end Engineer

2020 - 2021
EPAM Systems
  • 构建新特性,在当前代码库中进行增强,并修复bug.
  • Implemented REST API endpoints for different microservices.
  • 管理团队的代码评审过程,评审同事的pull请求.
  • 为新特性编写文档,并更新反映最新增强的文档.
  • 在向微服务架构过渡的过程中维护一个单体应用程序.
  • Wrote unit and integration tests using Mocha and Chai.
Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, Hapi.js, NestJS, MongoDB, Mongoose, TypeScript, Docker, REST, Scrum, Agile, Jira, Teams, Redis, Git, Postman, GitHub, Microservices, Amazon Web Services (AWS), APIs, MERN Stack, REST APIs, Leadership, Back-end Development

Country Coordinator and Mentor

2019 - 2021
The Rolling Scopes School
  • 在国家层面上管理数百名学生的免费在线前端开发课程指导计划.
  • 帮助学生完成家庭作业,并根据需要进行额外的一对一辅导.
  • Checked students’ homework and provided relevant feedback.
  • 管理和指导学生在入门级和毕业前的面试.
  • 为大学生和学校教师组织和运行JavaScript实践课程.
  • 组织线上线下有国际观众参与的科技活动.
  • 激励本地技术社区的开发人员加入指导计划,并与他们一起朝着共同的目标努力.
Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, CSS, React, HTML, GitHub, APIs, Management, ES5, Jasmine, MERN Stack, REST APIs, Leadership, Responsive Web Design (RWD)

Full-stack JavaScript Developer

2019 - 2020
EPAM Systems
  • 在公司的投资组合应用程序上实现REST API端点.
  • 在前端和后端按需添加新功能和修复错误.
  • Developed a Redux store for new entities in the application.
  • 在管理端使用React Hooks将类组件重写为功能组件.
  • Added proxy servers to store assets on remote machines.
  • Restyled a responsive UI layout according to new design specs.
  • Implemented server-side rendering for new components.
  • Wrote UI tests using Jest, Enzyme, 和React测试库,并使用Mocha修复了服务器端测试, Chai, and Sinon.
Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, React, Redis, MongoDB, Mongoose, Redux, Mocha, Chai, Enzyme, Jest, React Testing Library, Docker, REST, Kanban, Agile, HTML, CSS, Jira, Teams, Git, Postman, GitLab, APIs, MERN Stack, REST APIs, Back-end Development, Responsive Web Design (RWD)

Full-stack and Mobile JavaScript Developer

2017 - 2019
  • 为一个连接志同道合的人的移动应用程序构建了架构.
  • Designed and built UI components for web and mobile apps.
  • 实现REST API端点并构建响应式web应用程序.
Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, React, MongoDB, React Native, Express.js, Redux, REST, HTML, CSS, Git, Postman, GitHub, APIs, ES5, Jasmine, MERN Stack, REST APIs, Leadership, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Back-end Development, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Android, iOS

Coordinator at the Center for Entrepreneurship

2015 - 2017
Westminster International University in Tashkent
  • 提出创业中心的概念,并与主要利益相关者合作,分析乌兹别克斯坦创业公司面临的挑战.
  • 为学生和青年企业家举办研讨会,邀请乌兹别克斯坦的成功企业主分享他们的经验.
  • Planned and organized startup events, including a startup competition for more than 50 startups, 并就启动新商业项目的相关问题咨询学生和教职员工.
Technologies: Management, Leadership

Senior Lecturer in Finance, Math and Business

2010 - 2017
Westminster International University in Tashkent
  • Delivered sessions on developing a small business, fundamentals of finance and accounting, cost and financial management, and math modules.
  • 编写教学及考核材料,保证教学质量.
  • 处理考试和其他与评估相关的工作,并就学术问题向学生提供建议.
Technologies: Finance, Cost Accounting, Mathematics, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Corporate Finance, Management, Leadership


2007 - 2011
Shaden Technology
  • Managed projects and worked directly with clients.
  • Prepared contracts and handled the company's internal documentation.
  • Built and submitted financial statements to tax agencies.
  • 在Adobe Photoshop中为web应用程序设计模板,并在Adobe Flash中创建动画.
  • Helped the development team to code web-based applications in PHP.
Technologies: PHP, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Management, Leadership, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX)

Showcase Portal

Showcase门户是该公司最有趣和最具挑战性的前端和UX项目的集合. 通过搜索和过滤,人们可以通过关键词、标签和技术找到必要的项目.

我作为全栈开发人员负责门户网站的UI重新设计和后端开发. In this engagement, we stored project-related data, technology stacks, screenshots, and other artifacts.


我曾在一个个人创业项目中担任全栈和移动应用程序开发人员. 该项目的最终目标是分析用户的数字足迹,并根据附近的个性特征和兴趣来匹配人们.

Time Management System

我使用React和Node为时间管理系统构建了一个全栈web应用程序.js. The project involved authentication and role-based authorization. 我从零开始设计了这个应用程序,并实现了所有后端api.
2013 - 2014

Master's Degree in Entrepreneurship, New Venture Creation

Lund University - Lund, Sweden

2004 - 2008

Bachelor's Degree in Business Computing



Node.js, React, REST APIs, Chai, React Testing Library


Git, Mongoose, Adobe Photoshop, GitHub, Mocha, Postman, Adobe Illustrator, Jira, Adobe Flash, GitLab


Express.js, Redux, Hapi.js, React Native, Jest, NestJS, Jasmine


JavaScript, ES5, HTML, CSS, TypeScript, PHP


Docker, WordPress, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Android, iOS




MongoDB, Redis, MySQL


Leadership, Teams, Finance, Cost Accounting, Mathematics, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Corporate Finance, MERN Stack, Back-end Development, Enzyme, APIs, Technical Leadership, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX)

Collaboration That Works

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