MySQL Database Administrator Job Description Template

MySQL是我们可以使用的最流行的数据库解决方案之一. With the availability of extensive documentation, 围绕MySQL开发应用程序是许多熟悉MySQL的开发人员可以做的事情. However, managing MySQL instances while ensuring their performance, availability, 安全是只有有能力和负责任的MySQL数据库管理员才能优雅地做到的事情.


MySQL是我们可以使用的最流行的数据库解决方案之一. With the availability of extensive documentation, 围绕MySQL开发应用程序是许多熟悉MySQL的开发人员可以做的事情. However, managing MySQL instances while ensuring their performance, availability, 安全是只有有能力和负责任的MySQL数据库管理员才能优雅地做到的事情.

想要找到一名优秀的MySQL数据库管理员,首先要从高薪的招聘广告开始. Like most amazing developers, 熟练的MySQL数据库管理员通常对了解他们希望解决的问题感兴趣,就像了解他们作为团队一员将获得的好处一样.


MySQL Developer - Job Description and Ad Template

Copy this template, and modify it as your own:

Company Introduction

{{Write a short and catchy paragraph about your company. 一定要提供有关公司文化、津贴和福利的信息. Mention office hours, remote working possibilities, and everything else you think makes your company interesting.}}

Job Description

我们正在寻找一个有经验的MySQL数据库管理员谁将负责确保性能, availability, and security of clusters of MySQL instances. You will also be responsible for orchestrating upgrades, backups, and provisioning of database instances. You will also work in tandem with the other teams, preparing documentations and specifications as required.


  • 配置MySQL实例,包括集群配置和非集群配置
  • Ensure performance, security, and availability of databases
  • Prepare documentations and specifications
  • 处理常见的数据库程序,如升级、备份、恢复、迁移等.
  • 配置服务器资源使用情况,根据需要进行优化和调整
  • Collaborate with other team members and stakeholders
  • {{Add other responsibilities here that are relevant}}

Skills and Qualifications

  • Strong proficiency in MySQL database management
  • Decent experience with recent versions of MySQL
  • 了解MySQL的底层存储引擎,如InnoDB和MyISAM
  • Experience with replication configuration in MySQL
  • Knowledge of de-facto standards and best practices in MySQL
  • Proficient in writing and optimizing SQL statements
  • Knowledge of MySQL features, such as its event scheduler
  • 能够根据高层次规格规划资源需求
  • 熟悉其他SQL/NoSQL数据库,如PostgreSQL, MongoDB等. {{if required}}
  • 与其他流行的关系数据库相比,了解MySQL的局限性及其解决方法
  • Proficient understanding of code versioning tools such as {{Git / Mercurial / SVN}}
  • {{Make sure to mention other frameworks, libraries, or any other technology related to your development stack}}
  • {{List education level or certification you require}}
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See Their Profiles

Nicholas Wakeman

Freelance MySQL Developer
United StatesToptal Member Since November 12, 2017

Nick从事软件项目的开发、架构和领导工作已有十多年了. In addition to a rich full-stack skill set, 他的商业头脑和与客户和利益相关者有效沟通的能力,无论他们的技术知识如何,都使他与众不同. Though focused on tech leadership for the last few years, 尼克仍然喜欢开发早期的原型和产品.

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Abhimanyu Veer Aditya

Freelance MySQL Developer
United StatesToptal Member Since May 7, 2019

Abhimanyu是一名机器学习专家,拥有19年为商业和科学应用创建预测解决方案的经验. He’s a cross-functional technology leader, 有组建团队和与c级高管共事的经验. Abhimanyu在计算机科学和软件工程方面有着成熟的技术背景,在高性能计算方面拥有专业知识, big data, algorithms, databases, and distributed systems.

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Daniel Ramteke

Freelance MySQL Developer
United StatesToptal Member Since April 23, 2019

Daniel是一名拥有15年以上iOS专业经验的全栈开发人员, Android, and server-side development. 他开发了几个应用程序,并在App Store上发布. Daniel是一位经验丰富的导师,他可以解释技术概念,并支持非技术人员做出明智的决策. 他喜欢帮助他的客户从头开始构建应用程序,并重新启动旧项目, as he excels at organizing projects, hiring new roles, and managing the development process.

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Justin Michela

Freelance MySQL Developer
United StatesToptal Member Since June 26, 2018

Justin是一名技术专业人士,对学习充满热情,拥有18年以上领导团队构建企业级分布式应用程序解决现实问题的经验. 贾斯汀坚信,企业的各个方面都需要合作, from development to marketing to sales, is required to succeed in this endeavor.

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Chris Green

Freelance MySQL Developer
United StatesToptal Member Since June 7, 2018

Chris是一位积极进取、足智多谋的IT领导者和工程师,在软件和架构设计以及领导开发团队方面拥有23年的高影响力经验. 他是一个强有力的沟通者,能识别出失败的迹象,并采取适当的行动来补救. Chris can seamlessly transition between various roles, 从编写软件到无摩擦地管理大规模计划, while adopting a strategic perspective based on your needs.

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Henrikh Kantuni

Freelance MySQL Developer
United StatesToptal Member Since March 28, 2019

Henrikh是一名顶尖的软件开发人员,拥有乔治城大学的硕士学位. 他拥有丰富的经验,成功地与60多个客户合作,并始终保持高评价. Henrikh对竞争性编程充满热情,只要有可能就会参加编程竞赛.

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Joseph McNulty

Freelance MySQL Developer
United StatesToptal Member Since February 2, 2018

Joseph is a professional with strong leadership skills, highly experienced in software engineering, and specializing in mission-critical systems in aerospace, defense, and telecommunications. 他在使用各种技术设计和开发复杂的企业web应用程序方面拥有超过20年的经验, most recently with ASP.NET MVC.

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Matthew Alhonte

Freelance MySQL Developer
United StatesToptal Member Since August 21, 2018

Matt has officially worked as a Python-based data scientist for the past six years; however, 在过去的十年里,他一直在研究统计学和编程的交叉领域(在数据科学家这个术语流行之前)。. 他将强大的技术技能与实验设计和统计推断的严格背景相结合. More recently, he's been focusing on machine learning, 包括一些自然语言处理和计算机视觉.

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Kendall Guillemette

Freelance MySQL Developer
United StatesToptal Member Since August 15, 2019

Kendall是一个有设计背景的经验丰富的WordPress开发人员, development, 从各个角度看项目的能力和策略. Kendall有使用WordPress、高级自定义字段(ACF)、自定义主题和插件的经验. 他为他从事的所有项目提供技术、创意和业务见解.

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